List of best shots for back and low back pain

back pain injection

Severe pain in the back can indicate musculoskeletal disorders, nerve stings, and so on. Therapy often involves injections that, when chosen the right treatment, can quickly remove back and lower back pain and significantly relieve the patient’s condition.

This article compiles the optimal injections by group and health status. If you want to know what an injection for back and low back pain is, here is a list of the best injections.

How are drugs selected?

Back pain can be recorded at any age in all clinical groups of patients. This is not usually a stand-alone pathology. As a general rule, pain syndrome is an accompanying symptom of certain disorders of the body.

Injections of back pain and lower back pain are prescribed by your doctor after you have gathered complete information about your history. Once the existing diseases have been identified, you can prescribe treatment that will help stop the pain, remove the inflammation, relieve the swelling, and activate healing. What injections for back and low back pain can alleviate the patient's condition?

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Most commonly, NSAID injections are used to relieve spinal pain because they affect the focus of inflammation very quickly, removing unbearable pain, stiffness, swelling, and fever.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • pain in the lower back, prolonged and wavy nature, with compressed nerve;
  • radiculopathy and osteochondrosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • posterior traumatic syndromes;
  • intervertebral hernia, etc.

NSAID therapy is external, while analgesic injections for back pain have several contraindications. To reduce side effects, it is recommended to use modern NSAIDs - COX-2 inhibitors.


This drug is quite popular as an injection for back and low back pain. Ketorolac is a potent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Do not use this medicine if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to ketorolac or if you are breast-feeding, breast-feeding or children under 16 years of age.


Ketorolac is a drug based on trometamol. Ketoprofen has a strong analgesic effect. The dose indicated in the annotation should be strictly adhered to to avoid side effects.


Relieves back and back pain with many side effects. Use only as directed by your doctor.


The injection is not recommended in patients with high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, liver and gastrointestinal tract.


The so-called "golden mean" is between similar painkillers. With one injection, you can eliminate the discomfort associated with muscle contraction and overload in the back and lower back. Nevertheless, it has quite a few contraindications. Among them, it is worth noting individual intolerance, gastrointestinal diseases, cardiac pathologies, etc.


This device includes movalis. The drug is the latest generation, which means it has minimal side effects. These are thought to be good injections for back and low back pain. It is well tolerated and has a fairly long lasting effect.


It relieves back and low back pain with a tight nerve and various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The injection process takes up to 5 days.

Muscle relaxants

Often, back pain develops as a result of muscle cramps. There are usually two types of etiologies:

  • spasm due to impaired brain function;
  • muscle pain and cramps due to musculoskeletal disorders.

Muscle relaxant injections are prescribed to increase the effect of NSAIDs and steroid medications. Injections should be performed in full compliance with dosing and dosing regimens.


It relaxes the muscles of the spine, blocks nerve endings, relieves back and low back pain. Tolperisone provides a local anesthetic effect. May cause allergies in patients with lidocaine intolerance.


This medicine is a piperazine derivative. Intramuscular injections have a moderate effect on the gastrointestinal tract and relax the spinal and smooth muscles of the back.

Contraindications - pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the components, arrhythmia and renal failure.


The main therapeutic component is baclofen, which helps reduce the irritability of sensitive nerve endings and impulses, relieves pain in the lower and back of the back. It has contraindications for patients with Parkinson's disease, muscle cramps, epilepsy and component intolerance.


The active ingredient is hydroxyzine. The injections help relieve muscle tone in the lower back, neurotic pain in the back. The effect is similar to Atarax as it is a piperazine derivative. It should be used with caution in patients with renal insufficiency.


The main substance is tizanidine. It reduces the acute tone of skeletal muscles, removes hind cramps, reduces muscle resistance during inert movements, increases the strength of free contractions. Higher doses can have side effects.


It is derived from tizanidine. Relieves different muscle tones, back and back pain of different backgrounds, providing an analgesic effect.

Steroid drugs

Hormonal drugs have a vivid anti-inflammatory effect, but at the same time have a large number of side effects. Steroid injections for back and low back pain are prescribed for the following diseases:

  • spinal intervertebral hernias;
  • progressive sciatica;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.


Contains glucocorticosteroids. Injections are used primarily for severe forms of musculoskeletal disorders when NSAIDs have no effect. The dosage is selected individually, taking into account the severity of the disease and the patient's response to treatment.


Intravenous injections are prescribed for any type of back pain, especially rheumatic and intervertebral hernia. The dosage should be indicated separately by the physician, comparing the patient's state of health with the contraindications.


A drug from the group of glucocorticosteroids. It is prescribed for back pain and lower back pain, various types of diseases of the spine. It has quite a few side effects. Dosage is prescribed by your doctor as instructed.


It contains triamcinolone acetonide. It is used in the form of injections for various types of arthrosis, relieving inflammation and back pain. It has side effects.


Drugs in this group are prescribed to restore connective tissue the fastest, regenerate the structure of the spine, and reduce back inflammation.

Chondroitin sulfate

The active ingredient in the form of chondroitin is intended to prevent the destruction of bone and cartilage tissue. During the injections, the inflammation and pain in the lower back disappears and the mobility of the joints returns to normal.

Bioactive concentrate from small marine fish

The injections are given intramuscularly to relieve back and low back pain. It is on the list of the best chondroprotectors. It regenerates cartilage, fights disc herniation.

Drugs that improve the microcirculation of the body

What injections are given for back pain? As a general rule, vascular injections are used in the back and lower back, improving microcirculation, improving blood flow and metabolism in bone and cartilage tissues. They are prescribed in addition to painkillers.

Vitamin complexes

In modern medicine, B vitamins are important ingredients for relieving back and low back pain. Vitamins strengthen the exhausted body, enhance immunity, nourish the bones and tissues of the intervertebral space.

Epidural block

It is a drug for relieving back pain as well as other neurological symptoms. It helps relieve pain in a very short time when the spinal nerves are tight. Injections of the drug are given to the painful focus, including the epidural.

Triple stabs

To eliminate back pain, a triad injection is used, the functional devices of which are diphenhydramine, metamizole sodium, and papaverine. The drugs are mixed in one dose and injected intramuscularly. The injection is quite effective in relieving severe lower back pain, both due to musculoskeletal disorders and post-traumatic syndrome.

Analgesic patches

The patches are related to topical medications. Unlike creams, the patch has a dense carrier that attaches to the skin surface of the back and lower back, allowing the active ingredient to be applied to the skin and penetrating the subcutaneous tissues, muscles and nerve endings. The most popular patches that can result in pain relief are pepper and lidocaine.

Analgesic pills

Pills for minor pain are prescribed to relieve the symptoms of the disease. These are usually painkillers:

  • idomethacin;
  • ketoprofen and others.

It is used for mild back and low back pain. It is used 3 times a day.

Combined analgesics

After completing the injections for back and low back pain, the patient may prescribe other dosage forms - ointments, tablets, suppositories. These drugs will have a supportive effect and prevent the development of possible complications.

Treating back pain is a long and difficult process. Painkillers give good and lasting results, but they should only be used under medical supervision.